Hey Everyone!!! Check out the new post over on my updated blog site - here is the link:"Don't Look Down . . . "
Also, to sign up and link the blog to you fb page, go ahead and click on this link: Crossroads Church God's Special Friends
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Trusting God . . .
Just posted a new blog about Trusting God . . . Go and check it out at the Blogs New Location!!!!!
click here
click here
Thursday, July 29, 2010
FACE BOOK: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/crossroads_church_gods_special_friends/
BLOG ADDRESS: http://www.crossroadschurch.com/gsf/
FACE BOOK: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/crossroads_church_gods_special_friends/
BLOG ADDRESS: http://www.crossroadschurch.com/gsf/
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Hey everyone, my blog has moved over to a new location and so I won't be posting through here any longer - please follow the link below if you are a follower and begin to follow my blog in this new location - and if you are not a current follower of the blog, I would like to personally invite you to join - currently, according to Disable World, Disability and Health News, about 10% of the worlds population, which equates to about 650 million people, live with some form of disability. Furthermore, according to the United States Census Bureau, approximately 1 out of 5 people over the age of 5 are faced some with form of disability. Considering these statistics, most people at some point or another, if not affected by a disability, will know someone who is. Therefore, I would like to encourage you all to take a step of action and follow this blog and begin to see what we here at Crossroads are doing. Crossroads is an amazing church doing amazing things for people within this community and I am so grateful to be able to be a part of it.
blog address:
follow on fb network blogs: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/crossroads_church_gods_special_friends/
blog address:
follow on fb network blogs: http://apps.facebook.com/blognetworks/blog/crossroads_church_gods_special_friends/
Monday, July 12, 2010
Answered Prayer!!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
To Know God is to Know Love
I have often times just been amazed at the level and amount of love that all of the participants have for others. Although they each experience limitations of some sort, they seem to more often times than not, function and move about in this thing called life much more freely than the rest of us. And in the book The Shack, I just read a part that said, "humans are not defined by their limitations, but by the intentions that I have for them; not by what they seem to be, but by everything it means to be created in my image". What a beautiful statement that is. All humans have limitations at some level, and thank God it is not the limitations that define us. What defines us is the reality that we have been created in the image of God, and what is important is what He has planned for us. I guess if we were all to truly recognize that it is not about our will or our might, but about His, we would then truly become like little children in our faith, just as our participants already have, and we would know what it means to love as God loves, for we would truly Know God.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Stepping Up

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Trusting God
Trusting God in all things can sometimes be challenging, especially when it requires us to let go. It seems as though with each and every day that passes, many of us seek to have or maintain some kind of control, even when in reality, we have none. And that is where I am at right now, completely powerless. With this weekend being a holiday weekend, and many people having Sunday plans with it actually being the 4th of July, there are some holes that need to be filled. The exciting thing though, is that as I am continuing to pray through this, I am also getting excited to see just how God is going to work it all out. Because it is in times like these, that we get to experience His power and glory all the more. He cares about everyone and will care for everyone's needs, as I have continuously seen here within the ministry. Therefore, we just have to remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:25-27, to not worry and keep trusting in HIm, for He truly does care about all things -
Monday, June 28, 2010
Experiencing Community!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Launch of R.I.S.E.
What an exciting week this has been for our disAbilities Ministry here at Crossroads. This past Monday was our launch of the Monday Warriors Bible Study Group, who was also able to experience worship with the Generate Junior High Group as well. And now today is the official launch of R.I.S.E. , which is actually happening right now!!!! We have 3 individuals, along with 1 job coach, who arrived promptly at the church this morning at 9:30 to volunteer 2 hours of their time helping with various tasks around campus. They are scheduled to be on church grounds volunteering every Thursday and Friday morning for two hours each. The overall purpose of this is to provide volunteer opportunities for individuals who have varying forms of disabilities, that is centered upon their ability, while also sharing with them the love of Christ. So if you happen to pass by any one of them, please be sure to say hello, and give them a warm Crossroads welcome!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Step of Faith

Friday, June 18, 2010
One of the most exciting things that I just love about the God that we serve, is the many doors that he just seems to continuously open for us. Since I have been involved here, our focus has been based upon the abilities of the people we serve and not their disability. Well, the ministry of R.I.S.E. within the disAbilities Ministry is stepping out in faith and trusting that God will take this to an entirely new level. R.I.S.E. is a Community Outreach Ministry and stands for, Reaching, Inspiring, and Spiritually Embracing those with disAbilities. Its primary purpose is to provide volunteer opportunities for individuals with varying forms of disabilities in order to increase self-esteem, enhance social skills, and share the love Christ. I am really excited about this area of our ministry. For the last month we have already had one person volunteering in the office about three times a week helping with various tasks, and this next week we are officially launching R.I.S.E. and adding 3 more who will be volunteering two days a week for two hours each. WOW!!!!! God is so Good and I just can't wait to see where He takes us from here . . .
Monday, June 14, 2010
Kung Fu Christians
One of the many events that we are so privileged to be able to do is camp. Once a year we have a day camp and once a year we have a three day camp. Well, this last Day Camp was off the hook amazing and based upon the initial preparations for our 3 Day Camp coming up in October, I honestly know and believe in my heart that the 3 Day Camp is going to be off the charts amazing as well. The theme for this years 3 Day Camp is "Kung Fu Christians and the Search for Truth", and the scriptural theme will be from Micah 6:8, which says, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God". We serve an Awesome God and this years 3 day camp He is going to show up in an Amazing way. We are going to learn not just about his truth, but also about key disciplines that will enable us to put his truth into action within the lives of each person who attends. So be on the look out for flyers with all the info, and registration and consent forms. Spots will be limited!!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Adding a Little Spice
Sometimes adding a little spice to a dish can enhance the whole meal, therefore, taking it to a brand new level that would have otherwise never been possible. That my friends is what is happening within the disABILITY Ministry at Crossroads. First, I hope you all like the new face of my blog. I believe it was definitely in need of a little spicing up. Second, the Tuesday Night Friendship Club has been going on for years, but because of some changes happening around us, it too needed a little bit of spice added to it. Therefore, June 15th will be the last day of Tuesday Night Friendship Club in order to roll out the red carpet for the Monday Warriors Group that will begin on June 21st from 6:30 - 8 pm. This new group will be based upon Ephesians 6:10-18 and putting on the Full Armor of God as we begin each week. I am real excited about these changes and look forward to seeing how God continues to move within the lives of all of those involved within the ministry. This is an exciting time for us!!!!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Melting Pot
For the last couple months it has been requested that we begin a Parent/Guardian/Care-Provider Support group for those who have adolescents and/or adult children with a disability. Well, we all began praying about this and the direction God would have us go with putting it into motion. But one thing was certain, we knew that in general, we can all feel at times as though we are drowning, which is why we chose the name, The Melting Pot. But another thing that we knew, was that we would need to have a person who would be willing to not only facilitate the group, but would also be able to relate to the people coming in a very personal way. Well, I am excited to share with you all, God answered our prayers in a very clear way - He brought a person would has not only the willingness, but an over surmounting amount of experience with all of the different challenges that one faces when not only having a child with a disability, but the challenges that are presented as the child grows up, and eventually lands in the adolescent and adult years of life. We are so blessed and I just know from the bottom of my heart that what the people will receive out of this new group is Love, Support, Fellowship, Community, and Encouragement. It is scheduled to begin the last Friday of July and will continue the last Friday of each month after. So if you or anyone you may know has an adolescent or adult child with any form of disability and are looking for a safe place to be able to share with and learn from others, this is the place. For more information about this group or anything else that the disABILILIES Ministry offers, please feel free to contact me directly at jenniferf@crossroadschurch.com.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Beyond the Eyes and the Ears, God Speaks to the Heart!!!!
God moved in such an amazing way this last weekend - but then again, really, would we expect any less from GOD!!!!! So many times without even realizing it, many us probably take so much for granted. Things like being able to pick up a fork in order to eat, scratch our nose, watch tv, or listen to our favorite song on the radio. But in reality, there are thousands and thousands of people who are faced with these kinds of challenges and many more each and every day. That is why I just thank God for the people that He has equipped and sent in order to display and communicate His love specifically for them. For His LOVE is not any less for them than it is for any one of us. It just needs to be communicated in a different kind of way, and that is what makes the Deaf Ministry here at Crossroads such an amazing ministry. This ministry is filled with signers and interpreters who love God, love Jesus, and desire to communicate HIS Message of Love and Salvation to the people within the Deaf Community, so that they too may hear His Message in their own language and be saved. And what made this last Sunday so special, was as Pastor Chuck was delivering the invitation for people who would like to accept Christ, which he does every week, a woman who was also deaf, went forward and accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Seeing this moment was so special. She was crying, the signers were crying, as they all walked forward. In addition to that, as if that wasn't enough, during the evening service, a lady who was also blind made a decision to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I mean really, God is so good, and His Message of Love and Salvation is not one that is only meant to be audible or visual, but so much more, for HIS MESSAGE truly does reach to the core of who we are, and speaks to the heart!!!!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Around the World in 40 Days Day Camp!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Down to the Wire
Well everyone, we are just a couple days away from one of our biggest events of the year. This Saturday is our Around the World in 40 Days Day Camp and I couldn't be more excited to see how God is going to move through out the day. We have had months of planning and preparation, and it is really hard to believe that the day is now really just right around the corner. But with not wanting to give too much away, my request for the week is that everyone pray for everyone who is involved, as we are in these final days, and pray God's protection, and Blessing upon each and every participant who attends, along with all the volunteers. Currently, we have about 75 participants, and about 30-40 volunteers, not including Impact, Mens, and Community Ministries who will be serving through out various portions of the day - I am getting so excited I can hardly contain myself - there will be so much to share next week - :))
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
An Incredible Moment in Time

Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Need for Change!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010
The Planning of Events

Monday, February 22, 2010
Dance Dance Dance

Thursday, February 11, 2010
A Brand New Journey
The Word of God is just so dynamic, and no matter how long or how much one studies it, the wealth of information that it provides for us is endless, and I am just so excited about this brand new journey that the Tuesday Night Friendship Club has just begun. But even before this, they actually amazed me when they completed a study on the entire book of Acts. I mean WOW!!!! What an accomplishment. And now, because we don't believe in letting too much grass grow underneath our feet, we are on an even greater adventure now. We have just begun to study the missionary journeys of Paul, and my hope is that as we travel with Paul and study where he went, we are also going to study the epistles in a very unique way. That is, when Paul wrote an epistle, we are going to stop where Paul stopped, and study the epistle that he wrote. This will include not only just reading it, but seeking to understand why he wrote it, where he was when he wrote it, and how the challenges that he was addressing apply to us even today. Then, once we are done with the epistle, we will pick back up with Paul, and continue traveling with him. This study has me so excited that in order to keep it interactive for our participants, I am creating passports for each of them, so that as we travel, their passport will be stamped each week. We are also hanging up an entire world map, along with a then and now map, that charts out Paul's travels. Overall, I think I might be so excited about this study that I just might have to create a passport for myself. I love learning, and even more so, I love seeing our participants learn. The only thing, is that learning can and ought to be a dynamic experiences that touches on all of our five senses, which helps for every one to learn in the way that God created them to best learn. I am thinking though, that this study may just take us over a year to complete . . . But I know our Tuesday Night Group is up for the challenge, and we are going to have an amazing time through out the entire process - :))
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Servant's Heart!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
It really is hard to believe that it has been ten years since the y2k dilemma, and even more so, that another year has past. The one thing however that truly hit me over this Christmas Season was how much I truly missed seeing and being around our Special Friends. That is because Christmas and New Years landed on a Friday Night, we didn't meet. And then because the church office was closed between Christmas and New Years, our Tuesday Night group didn't meet either. The nail that then drove it really in, was that because I had a wedding to attend in Vegas on the Sunday after Christmas, I missed the Sunday Morning Study as well. Now, the volunteer team we have is amazing and everything last Sunday was covered. I also did have the chance to visit another church, but really, when I consider that there is no place like home, being away from my church family at Crossroads and away from our Special Friends within the ministry, my heart ached and longed for when I would return. I think it was about Tuesday or Wednesday then when I really began counting down the days until I would see them. Two weeks doesn't seem to be that long of a time span until you realize just how important the people and the relationships that God has truly allowed you to have are. I am blessed beyond measure within the ministry and am so thankful that today was the day that I was able to be back home and around these wonderful people. My only longing now, is to see all the beautiful faces on Tuesday Night and then on Friday Night. A vacation is sometimes nice and necessary, but being connected is really what keeps me grounded and keeps me going. And so in this time away, experiencing the absence of all of our participants has truly caused my heart to grow even fonder and miss everything about who they are . . . their innocence, their smiles, and the amount of unconditional love that they each have and unconditionally share with those around them-:))
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