Monday, June 7, 2010

The Melting Pot

For the last couple months it has been requested that we begin a Parent/Guardian/Care-Provider Support group for those who have adolescents and/or adult children with a disability. Well, we all began praying about this and the direction God would have us go with putting it into motion. But one thing was certain, we knew that in general, we can all feel at times as though we are drowning, which is why we chose the name, The Melting Pot. But another thing that we knew, was that we would need to have a person who would be willing to not only facilitate the group, but would also be able to relate to the people coming in a very personal way. Well, I am excited to share with you all, God answered our prayers in a very clear way - He brought a person would has not only the willingness, but an over surmounting amount of experience with all of the different challenges that one faces when not only having a child with a disability, but the challenges that are presented as the child grows up, and eventually lands in the adolescent and adult years of life. We are so blessed and I just know from the bottom of my heart that what the people will receive out of this new group is Love, Support, Fellowship, Community, and Encouragement. It is scheduled to begin the last Friday of July and will continue the last Friday of each month after. So if you or anyone you may know has an adolescent or adult child with any form of disability and are looking for a safe place to be able to share with and learn from others, this is the place. For more information about this group or anything else that the disABILILIES Ministry offers, please feel free to contact me directly at

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