Friday, June 18, 2010


One of the most exciting things that I just love about the God that we serve, is the many doors that he just seems to continuously open for us. Since I have been involved here, our focus has been based upon the abilities of the people we serve and not their disability. Well, the ministry of R.I.S.E. within the disAbilities Ministry is stepping out in faith and trusting that God will take this to an entirely new level. R.I.S.E. is a Community Outreach Ministry and stands for, Reaching, Inspiring, and Spiritually Embracing those with disAbilities. Its primary purpose is to provide volunteer opportunities for individuals with varying forms of disabilities in order to increase self-esteem, enhance social skills, and share the love Christ. I am really excited about this area of our ministry. For the last month we have already had one person volunteering in the office about three times a week helping with various tasks, and this next week we are officially launching R.I.S.E. and adding 3 more who will be volunteering two days a week for two hours each. WOW!!!!! God is so Good and I just can't wait to see where He takes us from here . . .

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