Thursday, July 1, 2010

Trusting God

Trusting God in all things can sometimes be challenging, especially when it requires us to let go. It seems as though with each and every day that passes, many of us seek to have or maintain some kind of control, even when in reality, we have none. And that is where I am at right now, completely powerless. With this weekend being a holiday weekend, and many people having Sunday plans with it actually being the 4th of July, there are some holes that need to be filled. The exciting thing though, is that as I am continuing to pray through this, I am also getting excited to see just how God is going to work it all out. Because it is in times like these, that we get to experience His power and glory all the more. He cares about everyone and will care for everyone's needs, as I have continuously seen here within the ministry. Therefore, we just have to remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:25-27, to not worry and keep trusting in HIm, for He truly does care about all things -

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