Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Servant's Heart!!!!

One of the greatest joys within the disABILITIES Ministry is being able to see how God moves within the lives of each and every one of our participants. One person in particular that I would like to take a moment and high light on is Judah. When I first met met Judah, not only was it difficult to understand him because of his limitations with speech, he was the "class clown" who through humor, would down play his disability. He never made mention of it, but I am certain that because of his limitation with speech, his self-esteem and confidence level were compromised as well. He wouldn't raise his hand in class and participate, he wouldn't want to read, and often times he would just sit there. Today however, that is not Judah. God has done amazing things within his life, and because of the patience and love that all of our volunteers have poured into him, he has grown immeasurably in all areas. He is often times now the first person to raise his hand and want to pray, he finds it absolute joy now to read, although limited, it is no longer a barrier, but a well received challenge. Other areas that Judah has grown in is in his heart. He has a servant's heart that often times just blows my mind. On Sunday mornings he is in charge of making and cleaning up coffee for everyone. He also assists on Friday night's with what ever task needs to be done. Whether it is in the setting up or cleaning up, Judah is always right there willing to assist. But the one thing that really tugged on my heart string was this last Sunday. After Judah had already made coffee, gotten his cup, and sat down, he immediately got up when Frank, who is in a wheel chair, came in, in order to poor Frank a cup a coffee. And then, without any mention, about fifteen minutes later, noticing that Frank had finished his coffee, Judah got up and poured him another cup. I was just amazed and humbled by the amount of willingness that Judah had to serve another person in such a simple way. Because of that, and through speaking with other volunteers, Judah is going to begin receiving some help with his speech each week with a volunteer who is also a professional speech therapist. We have also decided, that because of his heart, willingness to serve, and abilities that God has placed within him, Judah is now not only going to be considered a "participant," but he is now going to be considered a "assistant volunteer." Judah is truly an amazing person, a blessing to be around, and an absolute asset to the disABILITIES Ministry.

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