Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Down Syndrome, Society, and the Heart of God

Over the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of reading about disabilities, the church, and how we can become more effective at reaching out to not only the people who have a disability, but to also their families and the people close to them as well. Through the coarse of my reading however my heart has become deeply saddened as I have read about the statistics of what is happening within the arena of Down Syndrome. According to the National Down Syndrome Society there are over 400,000 people living with Down Syndrome. Unfortunately now because woman are able to have a test done to determine whether or not their unborn child will have Down Syndrome, 90% who test positive are choosing to abort. This statistic just broke my heart in that as I already believe abortion to be absolutely wrong, doing so because the unborn child is seen as less than perfect because of a test that suggests him or her as such is a tragedy. It causes me to reflect on people within our ministry such as Arturo, Mike, Trevor, Calano, Laura, or Debbie, all whom have Down Syndrome but also have amazing personalities and are filled with an over abundance amount of love and joy. They bring so much blessings to the ministry that I couldn't imagine them not being here. So my prayer is that God will reveal to me His Will and the direction He would have for me, the ministry, and our church, with regard to what is happening within our society and the unborn children with Down Syndrome. We as Christians who represent the voice of God, need to advocate for them, so that rather than being seen as a burden or a tragedy, they will each be seen as a blessing whose value is no less than any other unborn child. I mean, just look at the faces below - they are priceless and truly have and display the heart of God.

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