Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday Night Live

I am forever amazed by the amount of love that comes from within our Friday Night Live disABILITIES Group. A couple Fridays ago I was out of town, and one of the volunteers, Veda, had a great idea for the group. They decided that rather than be a group who is viewed as taking, they decided that they wanted to be a group that gives. Therefore, they all decided that the following Friday they would all bring in non perishable food for our Food Pantry ministry at Crossroads. When I heard about the idea and the decision, I was thrilled. Then, this last Friday night I was even more thrilled as each person walked in with a bag of food and the excitement that they each had with being able to give. And then, as if it couldn't get any better, they had also decided that out of the donation money that they give to help offset the cost of our Friday night meal, 1 dollar would be taken out, and whatever was collected a gift card would be purchased as well to give to the food ministry. We collected 25 dollars and just today I went to Vons and purchased the card, and now look forward to going in tomorrow morning and bringing in all that the disABILITIES Friday Night Live group gave in order to bless others. God's presence is definitely moving withint this group and I am so thankful to be just a small part of it-:))

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