Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season

There are many things that I love about the Christmas Season, but one thing that has grown to be one of my favorites is seeing how God moves within the Christmas Events within our disABILITY Ministry. For instance, this last Friday Night our Friday Night Live Bible Study performed their rendition of the Nativity Scene for the Impact Ministry. And WOW!!!! Was it amazing. With only a few weeks of practice and minimal planning for costumes, I have to admit, many of us were over the top nervous with how it was all going to go. Boy did God put us all in check with our lack of faith here. God moved from beginning to end. Pastor Tim Booher who heads up the Impact Ministry began by introducing me, and then I had the privilege to thank Impact for their love towards our guys and then introduce, Sharon, who was to be our volunteer director for this skit. As Sharon began introducing each segment of people, as they were walking up the audience began to clap. I was thrilled. And then, as if it couldn't get any better, after ever person said his or her line, the audience clapped, whistled, and shouted out with love, encouragement, and support for our guys. And it didn't even end there, once the skit was complete and all of our participants had taken a bow and began exiting the stage, the audience stood, giving them all a standing ovations. My heart was so touched in that moment that it took all I had to hold back the tears, and as we all made our way back into our room to begin our study, the over powering emotions of our participants with enjoying themselves so much, wanted to go back out and perform it again. The night from beginning to end was nothing but God filled and Holy Spirit led.
          Now, one might think that just that would make the weekend great. And yes, everything about it was great. However, we still had a Dinner and Dance to make our way through for many more of our participants on Saturday evening. The volunteer team that stepped up to make this happen was more than what I could ever ask for. I am just so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing people. And although there were several glitches, none of us were going to allow it to ruin the day or the event. For example, our regular Volunteer Santa Claus ended up with the flu on Saturday morning and had to cancel. But God being so good, provided us with another Volunteer who willingly accepted the position. And then, as the rain was coming down, myself and Sharon were getting ready to head out to go and purchase all of the food which other volunteers were going to prepare. Now this would not have been so challenging had I not backed up in a not so perfect way and therefore remove my passenger side front bumper. I mean, this was truly a bummer. But what was I going to do. The bumper was gone, my passenger side door unable to open, and the clock was still ticking, we still needed to get the food, and the event was still going to begin on time. So not allowing this to ruin the day, we happily carried on, thanking God for every passing moment. The tech area had a few glitches, but me know a bit about tech and having God in my corner, was able to get that all working. All of this happening while other volunteers were diligently decorating the Plex, setting up Puppets, and making room F look like an amazing Winter Wonderland, and room G transformed into a portrait studio for pictures with Santa. It was amazing!!!!!!! And as everyone arrived, they were greeted by volunteers, and then moved into room G, greeted by a couple of elves in order to get their picture with Santa, then steered into room F in order to experience the amazing Winter Wonderland Scene, while being surrounded by Christmas Trees, Snow, Snowman, Stockings, and much more. Upon existing room F, they were then greeted by a couple other volunteers where they received a hot cup of cocoa and escorted to a seat. Once all this was finished, an amazing Chicken Dinner was served, and after Dinner, and amazing Puppet Show performed, and then by about 7:15, the Music and Dancing began and went until about 9:00 pm. I mean WOW!!!! What an evening, and then by about 9:30 or so the room was cleared out and everyone who came to experience the evening was headed home. At this time though, there was still so much to do. We still had to now, Clean Up!!!! And what an adventure that was. It was still raining cats and dogs outside and the wind was howling, and between about 9:45 and 10:30, the power went out about four times, and on the last one, it stayed out. Therefore, we had to complete the clean up process in the dark using only our cell phones as flash lights. In the end though, although many of us were just overly exhausted, we were all filled also with an abundance amount of joy.
          Sunday then proved to be an even more amazing day as many of us, although still tired, came to church to hear a GREAT message on "Miracles". And I don't believe that any one of us who took part in the events on Friday Evening or on Saturday within the disABILITIES Ministry was anything less than wonderful little Miracles that God seems to always work and do within our midst while we are serving these wonderful joyous people!!!!

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