Monday, November 23, 2009

Giving Thanks

One of the many blessings that I have received from the lives of the people within the disABILITY Ministry is their natural ability to continuously find happiness and joy in all things, and it just warms my heart each and every time I am around them. For example, it was about two and a half years ago that myself and about five volunteers decided to begin a Friday Night Live Bible Study, and I remember in the beginning stages of it, aside from us, we would have about 3-4 participants, and sometimes 5 or 6 if we were lucky. But I also remember the commitment that everyone had to seeing how God would move within the group and within the lives of the people who came. And now today to see the group averaging about twenty participants, about eight volunteers, and the passion that each person has for God and for one another warms my heart beyond measure. And when I think about how we can't out give God, I also think about how God values and uses each and ever person for His glory and this last Friday night was no different. It was the Friday before Thanksgiving and because we all decided to take the Friday after Thanksgiving off, we planned on having a Friday Night Live Thanksgiving Feast. A time where we would worship God, share in a meal with one another in community, and give thanks for everything that Christ has done and is doing within our individual lives and within the group as a whole. What an amazing time we all had. It was a pot luck meal where I was to bring the turkey and ham, and everyone else would bring the sides. This was an interesting experience for me in that because of circumstances, I ended up cooking two turkeys back to back on the Thursday before, and then heating up the ham about 2 hours before on Friday, and although it was work and required hours of my time, the moment I walked into room G in the plex with the food, I knew the presence of God was in the room. And then as people began arriving, Betty with green bean casserole and corn, Tina and Maria's group with mash potatoes, Trevor with rolls, Anthony with more corn, and Sharon and Rickie with the pies, we were definitely going to have a feast. And just one of the beauties of how this evening came together, was although some forgot to bring their food, and others did not know to bring some, there was more than enough to go around. But the biggest blessing of all, was that as there was plenty for all of us, the participants also brought bags of food in order to donate to the food pantry at Crossroads so that not only could the group experience the blessings of God, but so that they could be a blessing as well. And that is just what these folks are all about, from the Tuesday night, to the Friday night, to the Sunday morning, they might not have much to give according the standards of the world, but what they do have, they give, and what they give, goes beyond measure and God not only blesses them, but he moves through them so that they can experience what it means to also be a blessing to others, and for me to be able to see and experience just a fraction of that, I give thanks.

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