In Mark 2:3-5 a paralytic man was being carried by four men in order to meet Jesus. The crowd however, being so large, made his experience even more of a challenge. The men carrying him however, being committed in an extra ordinary way so that this man could have his encounter with the Messiah, did the unthinkable, and made an opening in the roof above Jesus, and after digging through it, lowered the mat that the paralyzed man was laying on in order to overcome that obstacle and meet Jesus. This past Sunday, which was Palm Sunday, served to be a similar moment, in that not only were there hundreds of people coming forward, accepting Jesus, and immediately being baptized, 3 of the people that came forward were in wheel chairs. This was an incredible moment at Crossroads, where some of the men, seeing the challenge, but committed in an extra ordinary way, so that these individuals could have and experience this special moment, lifted each of them into the air, lowered their bodies down into the water, and baptized them in the same way as any other person would desire, upon making a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. Now do I believe that Jesus loved them anyways, absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, yes. But for them to not be able to experience baptism because of their physical limitation, is something that our church family does not accept or embrace. Therefore, as I stood and watched as each of these individual's were baptized, with tears running down my face, I looked up and praised our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for being so privileged as to witness such a moment as this. This experience gave me a much deeper perspective of just how much our church family here at Crossroads, is committed to one another, and committed to changing the world for Christ.